Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Long's Way To Go


Hari ini pengen cerita sedikit sama apa yang baru gw pelajari dari salah satu temen Korea yang bisa di bilang akrab. Cewe cantik bermuka oriental (ye masa mukanya India) ini bernama Cho Long, Kim (*jangan Cho Long Dompet Saya yah?) atau tulisan gaulnya "1_0N9" (Dear Alay..,buat apa ada huruuufff.. kalau kaliaann ituu nulis pake angka?) . Anyway , si temen gw yang namanya "1_0N9" ini *sumpah susah nulis begini* pokoknya si Long ini membuat gw jadi tambah mengerti tentang arti hidup dan kerja keras,. Hope It would inspire us,.  ^^

Waktu itu gw lagi asik baca buku (re: resep masakan) dan tiba - tiba Long memanggil "Farra Anyyeong!" - karena sudah di "Anyeongin"  yah kurang sopan kalau gw tidak menjawab "Anyeong juga long" 
Gw dan dia bercakap dan bergosip selama kurang lebih 30 menit membahas dari hal yang tidak bermutu, agak bermutu dan sampai sangat bermutu .., akhirnya tibalah pada pembicaraan "Traveling", topik yang menarik bukan? 

Kita berdua memiliki hobi yang sama yaitu "Traveling" kebetulan Long ini pernah traveling ke Australia selama kurang lebih 3 bulan untuk mengasah English language abilitynya :) , tapi jangan salah dia pergi kesana bukan untuk senang - senang dan menghabur-haburkan harta orang tuanya tapi sebaliknya.

" Farra, I am not coming from a super rich family in which they can easily send me off to foreign country for studying, I was doing some part time jobs and math tutorial here and there.

Also, my parents lent some money from the bank to afford my tuition fee during college in Korea, so I'm gonna pay them back after getting a job outright my graduation,...

What an amazing girl!

Instead of killing dreams and giving up, she tried  to find a way to conquer the impossibility!

Gw jadi makin berpikir keras dan me-refleksikan balik ke lingkungan kebanyakan..
"kuliah ke luar negri? yaelah mana bisa gw, ga ada duit!"
"Yah mahal, kasian bonyok gw.."

Apa hubunganya sekolah keluar negri sama ngrepotin bokap nyokap?

Neither our parents nor reality are guilty, for what you are now!

You always can choose and  ask to yourself!

Have I tried to the max?
Kalau mau di gali *sumur kali yes di gali*  banyak banget tuh ratusan beasiswa yang tersebar, kok ga yah di manfaatin.

Salah satu contoh yang bisa gw lihat dari Long ini adalah, dia ga menyerah gitu aja pada keadaan. Long ke Australia dengan meng-apply Working Holiday Visa. Selama 3 bulan dia bekerja di restaurant dan toko - toko. 
" Lah terus Far, kapan belajar bahasa Inggrisnya?" Namanya juga di Australia, masa ngobrol nya pake boso Jowo. Jadi, secara tidak langsung dia pun bisa belajar, dan sepengalaman gw setalah hidup di kampung halaman Suju selama kurang lebih 4 tahun, being outside home country itu bener - bener banyak manfaatnya! selain new experience and new language, You build networking! Seperti yang di bilang Om Benjamin Disraeli " Experience is the child of thought and thought is the child of action. 

Gimana tuh, sekali mendayung dua tiga pulau terlewati ,kan !

Gw pun sampai sekarang masih belajar 'How to Conquer My-Self', yang namanya rasa takut dan ragu itu pasti ada tapi tantangannya adalah bagaimana kita bisa mengubah rasa takut itu jadi sebuah motivasi yang besar  menjadi sebuah energi positif tidak hanya bagi diri kita tapi orang banyak.

Stop Limiting Your Self!

#Hayus Cemangaaddhh Eahh <- *nyoba eksis kaya ABG jaman sekarang* hehe

FYI , this is my team for Org. Business class - Tap - Tap; Me, Arthur, Heechan and my beloved Long with short hair !


Farra Maysara

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Pepero Day is Korea!

Como Estas!

Wow today is super big day in Korea.. Yes! 2011-11-11 so called millenium pepero day in South Korea..
Every corner of T-junction and alleys are fully decorated by Pepero sellers.

First of all, What is Pepero, Farra??
Pepero (빼빼로) is a cookie stick, dipped in chocolate syrup, manufactured by Lotte Confectionery in South Korea since 1983. It was inspired by the Japanese product, Pocky produced by Glico. It is kind of good strategy of Lotte corporation to market their product! hehe..

Second, Anything related with 11?
Yes! Pepero is a stick shapped snack that represents 11 (number) and also similar to Valentine's Day. It is named after the Korean snack Pepero and held on November 11, since the date "11/11" resembles four sticks of Pepero!!Moreover, the year of today is 2011 that made it more PEPERO!

Third, for all chocolate lovers!Pepero offers many flavors!

  • Regular or Chocolate

  • Strawberry-flavored

  • Almond Chocolate

  • Nude (chocolate in the center)

  • Nude Lemon Cheese

  • Cocoa

  • Soft

  • Cheese

  • *nyam nyam nyam*

    Fourth, To whom should I give Pepero??
    1. No worries, if you are single you can give it to your friend and parents!
    2. Boy/girl friend of couuursee *Nods*
    3.strangers!(yeah, it works especially when you meet random handsome guy/pretty girl on the road! *grin*

    Taken at my office today for joining Pepero Photo Competiton :D
    credit to Ming -Ming, my chinese friend who I work with during the Internship program

    The last but not least is WHITE DAY  

    When I came to Korea for the very first time, I thought that Korea was a bit too much making kind of creepy romantic dates like pepero day and white day. Unlike pepero day that most of Korean couple give each other pepero or chocolate, on White Day, the men paying back women who have given them chocolate on Valentine's Day or Pepero with usually candy instead of chocolate. Don't be so surprised if you come to Korea on White Day. There will be a lot of convinient stores sell many kind of candies.
    As you guys know that Valentine's day is celebrated on Feb 14th, whereas White day is celebrated a month after Valentine, March 14th

    Winter in Korea is not as cold as european countries, but the white snows and cloudy day of March are enough to make your White day as romantic as Korean Dramas. Dare to experience it! I'll see you here in KOREA :)

    Candy candy on White Day

     How sweet! xoxo

    Hand Made Pepero :)

    Pepero Gift! so adorable isnt it?

     !! Happy Pepero Day !!


    Farra Maysara

    Tuesday, 8 November 2011

    "The Korean Drama"

    Hallo K-drama lovers!
    The fall has come yet pile of assignments and projects for the next month (December) . Several on going projects to do and internship here and there been eating me up these dayysss Grr...

    Anyway, me want to share several good dramas I've watched several months ago. . These drama totally brought up a new story and more realistic!!! among these drama Secret Garden and Dream high are my favorite! Especially for "Dream High" the drama  makes me at a state of ' Burning up the spirit' Everyone has its dream,so never call off your dream and make it true!! The reason Why I do really love korean drama, is not only the main roles are good-looking but also the highly content within.It is no longer about a cinderella and prince couple who want to live happily ever but  more ups and downs reflected from people daily's life.

    However these are the following drama that I found good!

    1. Secret Garden

    2.Dream High 

    3.My Girlfriend is Gumiho 

    4.Shining Inheritance

    For my beloved viewers who want to watch Korean Drama (streaming), I recommend this site
    good quality and eng subs!!

    Enjoy guys!!


    Farra Maysara
    #nowplaying Auburn - Perfect Two

    Monday, 31 October 2011

    "Leaving Home for A Better Farra"

    "Leaving Home for A Better Farra"

    Hello everyone!^^

    Everybody undoubtedly has its own story of life, whether good or bad, they are supposed to be meaningful to them. I would like to share the unforgettable story of mine.

    It was April 4th, 2008 11.45pm a time when I leaved Jakarta to South Korea .

    I am not a diligent student who would rather to study at home and do huge pile of homework than hang out with friends. I love spending time with my family (most of the time) and friends. However, I should be so thankful to My Allah Almighty for all of these.

    Almost everyone dreams of one day “having it all.” By applying a simple value in order to reap lifelong rewards and so do I!

    I was a student at UNDIP (Diponegoro University of Indonesia at Semarang) and I took communication as a field of study. I had been studying there for almost 2 years. At the end of my 2nd year, I wanted to move from my current university to university in Jakarta because my family lives in Jakarta. They told me that after I finish my bachelor, better for me to take master in National University of Singapore or Australia. All night long I was hard-thinking to innovate and re-create my life strategy. "Why do I need to wait until graduation? How about now? So I started to make a study plan and seek available scholarship. I gave my resume to Singapore, UK and Korea Embassy. Among these three countries Korea was the first party that announced I am eligible to continue studying there (NIIED's program). Actually, it was kind of random and sudden decision I have ever made in my life( to study abroad without knowing the language) yet the most righteous decision I have ever made.

    April 2008, first time I saw with my own naked eyes Han river and 63 (re : yuksam) building - been the highest building in South Korea- and HERE I AAAAMMM a Kyungpook National University 's business student!

    Since then My life has been changed!

    I came to Korea in such a very young age 17th *It was like 4 years ago :_(  * I grew up in Korea environment (SNSD, KARA and T-ara seeing them forces me to DIET!!zzzz..) which is not an easy thing to do. I learned how to manage my schedule,money and time without my family here *cry* (still working on it hehe)  but I never regret this! I love my life and hope you do also :)

    However these are things I have learned  during my studying in Korea:

     It does not mean I do not believe my friend but it means I am the one who control my self. I do not want to be a car without breaks.  I always remember to always listen to the little voice in my heart and to react to the pull in the pit of my stomach. Don’t lose yourself in your exuberance, guys ;)

    This is also one of strategy to gain a competitive advantage in job market. While people are busy to learn english, I am here busy to learn Korean and its culture. Korean company has been a big thing in the world's eyes starting from the Hallyu wave, k-pop and well developed companies such as (Samsung, LG, and Hyundai).

    Speak any language I can think of, to whoever will listen. The only way you will successfully learn a language is if you use it in your everyday life. The accent doesn’t have to be perfect, the tenses don’t even have to be correct, all I have to do is try. FYI Its hard to use 3 languages at once , I sometimes mixed them up (bahasa-english-korean) *grin*

    You may find yourself in a country and/or culture that is completely different from your own. Studying abroad is designed to expand the horizons of the student and as such the student must embrace, and most of all respect. I learn how to respect others, for example; the way korean shake-hands, bowing, "kkkk" <-- (re: laughing)  and ㅇㅋ (re: OK! )

    Every kid who packs up and leaves home must take on a whole new set of responsibilities. For the international student, this means more than just remembering to set the alarm for early morning classes.I must be aware and responsible for health insurance, international bank accounts and phone bills yet your new boyfriend! :p  You are responsible for your well-being at all times!  

    It seems that the older I am, the harder to make new friends. Living and studying abroad, however, forces me to meet new people and subsequently, make new friends! Now, I have a lot of friends from many countries :) It pushes me to learn their culture and tolerate diversity.

    I love all my friends! You are one among my facebook's friend list! so Me love you a lot!

    The last but not least,

    "you can always choose to laugh and to find the bright side of any situation so never give up on life do your best and believe the power of nature! Always be positive !!
    Cheer up 친구들! 사랑해 ♥


    Farra Maysara

    Sunday, 6 March 2011


    Hey K-pop lovers!!

    You might have known one of the rapper band from Korea called Bigbang! for those friends who haven't checked their new single song ( T)ONIGHT) should hit Youtub and grab the cd!!

    Regarding the utub people's comment Bigbang is too way much  American styled  and leaving their ori 's but for me Big Bang is always Back with his new face!!

    Keep up!
    빅뱅 짱!!!!

    Thursday, 3 March 2011

    long time no see!

    Its been ages I did not share my campus's life here :D
    school submission have been eating me up lately.

    Last winter vacation I had a lot fun since my parents were visiting me to Korea and I got internship where I could  have so much experience co-operative partners and making new friends.

    I would probably say this year bring luckiness to me since I got a lot of opportunities to be able fill and compile my korea's life with many good things!

    Through this new post I just want to say hello to you guys!!

    Please wait for me other posts!! :)

    Interest about Korea? about its life and culture,,
    be sure to check my blog once a week!

    I will keep you guys updated !!

    All the best

    Farra Maysara

    Wednesday, 27 October 2010

    twitter : #prayforIndonesia

    *brrrrrr* (saking dinginnya padahal ini masih late octo, yang seharusnya masih Fall di South Korea) 

    Ok, hari ini setelah beberapa hari Saya di sibukkan dengan urusan Mid Term, akhirnya bisa Say Hello lagi. Sedikit pengen curhat juga sih sebenernya setelah banyak sekali kejadian yang terjadi dalam kurun waktu yang kurang dari 1 minggu ini.
    Kenapa judulnya twitter: #prayforindonesia 

    Saya menemukan kegunaan twitter yang dipakai secara proper oleh orang-orang Indonesia (yang konon katanya nih, terbanyak yah pemakainya di dunia) yakni me- re-tweet / menge tweet yg memang (What's happening) bukan percakapan yang sebenarnya lebih proper di lakukan lewat messenger. :D

    Anyway, Pertama tama Saya sedalam-dalamnya teramat berduka atas runtutan musibah yang melanda negeri yang sangat Saya cintai, Indonesia. Semoga amal ibadah para korban di terima dan yang di tinggalkan di berikan ketabahan dan kesabaran yang luar biasa. Semoga peringatan dan bencana ini semakin membuat diri lebih bijak dan tetap terus beriman.

    Saya cukup pusing dan prihatin mendengar berita, tentang Indonesia yang di landa sebegitu banyak musibah. Tapi satu yang Saya heran, sepertinya memang sudah dari jaman Belanda dulu yah, kalau secara geografis Indonesia itu emang rawan bencana alam, bukan semata mata karena sekarang -sekarang ini manusia nya yang semakin bejat saja, loh. Jadi alangkah baiknya kalau sistem manajemen bencana di negara kita itu di perbaiki dan harus di improvisasi plus STOP! mengambil sesuatu yang bukan milik kita!

    ada pepatah Afrika  mengatakan "If you destroy a bridge, be sure you can swim"
    Pertanyaannya?? Siapa yang ngancurin ?? tapi orang orang yang ga bersalah yang harus siap siap untuk menanggung segala akibatnya??

    Ratusan orang kehilangan rumah, mata pencaharian, sanak keluarga and at result hanya ungkapan penyesalan dari berbagai kalangan. Ckckc.. mungkin itu yah, kenapa penyesalan datangnya selalu telat, ga pernah on time? :p
    Mau sampai kapan negara kita akan begini?
    Mari kita tanya "Galileo!" 
    atau jangan-jangan Galileo juga ngambek ga mau jawab karena sudah di gusur sama acara-acara  yg di bilang lebih mendidik oleh sedikit kalangan :)

    Kalau masalah kemacetan Jakarta itu lain soal, karena itu bukan bencana alam, jadi jelas sekali akibat dari  ke kurang tertibanya - eh, ga kurang deng, tapi emang tidak tertibnya - masyarakat dan semakin banyaknya kendaraan, sedangkan jalan jalan terutama (Jakarta) ikutan diet jadi  semakin  langsing dan singset.

    Saran nih,buat temen temen yang mungkin pada pengen beli mobil super cepat, kayanya percuma  malah cuma nambah nambahin pusing kepala, prediksi Saya 2tahun lagi mungkin kecepatan Maksimum  di Jkt cuma 30km/jam kali yah, ferrari juga kebalap kali ye sama bajaj kalau nyetir di Jakarta. Mau sampai kapan sih kaya gini? Semoga saja bukan cuma wacana buat para bapak bapak dan ibu ibu sang pembela rakyat disana. Saya mendengar sebuah percakapan unik dan menggelitik dari seorang artis & juga aktivis sosial kenamaan Butet kertaradjasa ,

    A: Kalau yang namanya wakil direktur pengennya jadi?
    B: yaah, jadi DIREKTUR
    A:Kalau wakil presiden pengennya jadi...?
    A:Kalau wakil rakyat, mau jadi rakyat??
    B: ????? *bingung*

    Jujur Saya juga bingung kira-kira jawabannya mereka apa yah ?? atau mungkin apa jawaban kita kelak?? karena kita ini calon wakil wakil rakyat! :D

    Sama-sama deh yuk kita berusaha buat Indonesia jadi lebih baik, tidak perlu muluk muluk menuntut sana sini untuk berubah, sebagai pelajar, mulai diri kita sendiri, dengan contoh tolak tindakan plagiatisme (mencontek).
    Ketinggalan jauh kita kalau masih hanya meng "gembor-gembor" kan "Buanglah Sampah pada tempatnya!" tapi "Buanglah sifat buruk demi diri dan bangsa!" Kalau bukan kita siapa lagi??

    " Jalan Tuhan itu Jalan yang baik, kalau kita berjalan di jalan yang baik, kita berjalan bersama Tuhan!" 
    (Mario Teguh)

    Masih menolak untuk berjalan beiringan dengan Tuhan dan mengeluarkan kebaikan dari diri kita, Teman?
